
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Anja Simmons
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
This week on the Momma Stories Podcast Sarah is joined by Anja. Anja is a mom of two grown babies, an 18 year old daughter and a 21 year old son. She is also a trained British Nanny, yoga teacher and parenting coach that focuses on the importance of being a conscious parent. Sarah and Anja talk all things motherhood and cover some really great topics.
If you would like to learn more about Anja, please check out:
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Olivia Carter
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
This week we hear from another awesome mom from Sarah’s trip to Portland, Olivia! Olivia is a mom of two and owns an organizing and styling company called The Modern Edit. She also runs Mom What’s Next, a collaborative online community where moms can share kid friendly adventures in the Portland, Oregon area. Olivia and Sarah talk about the importance of building your community and the difference that can make in all seasons of motherhood. Olivia also shares some great ideas on transitioning into school, staying active and how to make some great mommy friends.
If you want to learn more about Olivia, her organizing business and her online community at Mom What’s Next visit:
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Jenelle Isaacson
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
On Sarah’s recent journey to Portland she sat down with this weeks guest Jenelle, a mom of two sweet girls. Jenelle has gone from punk rocker, to using those skills and experiences to launch her own incredibly successful Real Estate company. She shares with us how her focus on the experience rather than the results can make a huge difference. Jenelle talks about how that lead her to focus on her community and building a business that truly cares for its people, their clients and even the environment. Jenelle is a true Mompreneur and has a ton of great ideas and inspirations to share.
If you want to learn more about Jenelle and her awesome company check out the link below:
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Shelly Mettling
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
This week Sarah sits down with Shelly, momma to her sweet rainbow baby Ryan. Shelly shares her experiences and the challenges she faced to become a mom, and how miscarriage has impacted her life. Shelly shares about her Podcast, Life After Miscarriage, which is focused on giving moms a space to share their journey with loss. Shelly gives great advice on how to stay focused on your goals to get through the tough times and how she has become an amazing Momma and Momprenuer.
To learn more about Shelly check out the links below:
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
EXPERTS ON MOMMAS - Marlene Hillyer
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Marlene is back and this time she joins us to talk about her work as a registered dietician, working a lot with families and children. She shares with us the top reasons why a parent comes to see her and how each one can play an important role in the health and development of you or your child. Sarah and Marlene get into some very important topics like picky eating, food sensitivities and allergies, as well as challenges with growth.
If you would like to learn more about Marlene and make an appointment to meet with her, please visit: https://www.dandelionnutrition.com
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Marlene Hillyer
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
This week Sarah sits down with Marlene, a single mom by choice. Marlene shares with Sarah all about how making the decision to become a mom might not have looked the way you think it should, but when you follow your heart it will all work out. She also shares all about her home birth! How she came to select a home birth, her labor at home and all the things after!
Marlene is also a Nutritionist who will being sharing all the things you want to know on Thursdays expert episode!
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
EXPERTS ON MOMMAS - Marianne Jacobson
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Marianne is back this week to sit down with Sarah as an expert! Marianne is a Sleep Consultant Super Hero! She does it all! She is a brith and postpartum doula, a sleep doula and an educator. You heard her story about being a grandma and on this episode you you get to here all the details about why your baby doesn't sleep and how she can help! Marianne provides a wealth of knowledge that any new or soon to be momma could benefit from.
If you would like to learn more about Marianne please visit: https://pediatricsleepconsulting.com/
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Marianne Jacobson
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
This week Sarah is joined by Marianne who will be with us for two episodes, first as a Grandma and second as an expert. In this episode Marianne shares her experiences as a Momma of 4 and a Grandma of 3 awesome babies. Marianne talks about the challenges of making the transition to becoming a Grandma and how the role differs so much from that of a Momma. She gives great advice on how to be supportive and create the best experience for both your child and your new Grandbaby.
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Brittany McCabe
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
This week Sarah sits down with Brittany, a mom of two from Southern California. Sarah talks with Brittany about her journey into Motherhood and how pregnancy as a new mom was very different than being pregnant with a 2-year old. Brittany shares some great advice and stories from her time as a momma. Sarah and Brittany then dive into Brittany's business ventures, talking about her website Mama Bear Britt and her line of Nail Polish that is kid safe and gender neutral.
To learn more about Brittany and all the awesome things she is doing visit:
You can also check out Alpha Kids, her nail polish that is the first ever designed for boys and girls:
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Catherine Lau
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
This week Sarah sits down with Catherine, her first international guest, from Toronto Canada. Catherine is the momma of two beautiful little girls and the owner of a home staging and organization business that was born from her passion for pretty and tidy spaces. Sarah and Catherine discuss the challenges Catherine has faced with Multiple Sclerosis and the tough decision to have children.
To learn more about Catherine and her business visit her website www.stageandtidyco.com
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need