
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Brandy Wells
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast you will meet Brandy.
Brandy is a mom of 3, a licensed social worker and possibly my new best friend. I found Brandy’s page after she was featured on @mother.ly for a post she wrote about her 12 year old daughter. She shared that being 12 years old means so much more than just being a preteen as society labels them. After scrolling through her posts I loved the way Brandy shared about her motherhood journey. It’s hard to know what is real compared to what is a highlight reel on social media now a days, but there is something very authentic about the way Brandy shares her motherhood joys and challenges. Then I got Brandy on the phone and was introduced to the natural coach she is. I left feeling so good. Feeling like I had a new insta mom friend, feeling like I met a mother standing firmly in who she is and it made me want to stand firmly in who I am.
Check out this episode to hear about Brandys conscious parent style.
Please enjoy this weeks episode.
To check out more from Brandy visit her website and follow her on Instagram!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
It’s the first expert of 2020 on @themommastories podcast!
Did you know that I have a “Guest Wish List”? Well I do! Julie is my first wish list come true! Hanging out with Julie did not disappoint.
Julie is a puberty expert! Her experience with teens started in 1981 at Seattle Children’s Hospital, where she cared for hospitalized teens and their families in the adolescent unit. Her work led her to becoming an author of two books for preteens and to creating a class for preteens and teens that promote strategies for decision-making.
You can find out more about these classes, books and guidance for anything preteens/teens using this link - greatconversations.com/
Please enjoy this weeks episode!
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com or visit us at www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Haley Nicole
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
On this weeks episode you will meet Haley.
Haley is a mom of two, a doula and a mental health advocate. In this short, but sweet episode Haley shares her experience becoming a mom and how that has led her to being a doula.
Please enjoy this weeks episode of @themommastories podcast.
For more information on Haley or to learn more about how she could help you with your doula services please visit - https://linktr.ee/mywanderlust.tribe
You can also find Haley on Instagram -
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com or visit us at www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Amanda Rose
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Amanda is a momma of three who’s journey to having her beautiful babies was a path of doubt and uncertainty that ultimately led to a miracle.
Amanda shares about her infertility journey, the weight of the question “what should we do with the left over embryos?” and life after birth. In the interview Amanda laughs and says “we have learned we can’t have a solid plan for anything anymore,” as she shares about the challenging moments of having a gifted child. It’s clear she and her husband make sure they do what’s right for their family.
Please enjoy this weeks episode.
For more details about Amanda’s story please check out her YouTube channel - www.youtube.com/c/eatpraycrunch1
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Janelle Lavin
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
This week Sarah sits down with her sister Janelle. Contrary to the belief of others, Sarah is younger than Janelle.
Janelle is a single mom who is navigating solo parenting and the new world of puberty and preteen girls. Because Janelle and Sarah not only love to talk, but are also best friends, their talk was over 5 hours long. So this condensed episode might be choppy, but listening to 5 hours of these sisters talking could be… well awesome, giving you some of the best parts is awesome too.
Please enjoy this weeks episode of the Momma Stories Podcast.
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
All The Advice
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
In every episode Sarah asks the momma she is interviewing “what advice do you have for all the mommas out there?”
To close out the year, Sarah combines all the advice that the mommas who were on the show this year gave her and shares it with you.
It is a real treat!
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
2019 Wrap Up
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Join Sarah this week for a quick episode to review how incredible the launch of the Momma Stories Podcast has been and where it is going in 2020. Also don't miss next weeks final episode of the year where we bring together all the great advice Mom's have shared on the show.
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Ana Nikic
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
On this weeks episode of @themommastories Podcast you will meet Ana.
Ana is a momma of two sweet babies who has found herself in a crossroads. Last year her world was turned upside down and ended up getting a divorce. Her story is about how you go from focusing on motherhood and being a business owner to having to find herself again and determining the right parenting plan for her family.
Ana teaches us that there is no right or wrong way to handle a curveball in life. There is only the way that works for you. Focus on your babies and focus on yourself.
Please enjoy this weeks episode.
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Amanda Huffman
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
On this weeks of the Momma Stories podcast you will meet Amanda.
Amanda is a momma of four and one of her babies will forever be 7. About 4 years ago Amanda found herself at a hospital being told that her six year old baby girl had a terminal brain tumor called DIPG. After that their life completely changed. Over the next 7 1/2 months their family would face some of the hardest times and ultimately a horrible tragedy.
When you are faced with the unthinkable there are many roads that you can take in life. For Amanda and her family they chose to continue to honor their beloved Avery and to help spread the word about DIPG. Not only are they dedicated to making DIPG known, they also have a foundation that raises money for finding a cure!
To see the Princess of Arendelle video Amanda mentions go to:
To learn more about the Avery Huffman Defeat D.I.P.G. Foundation please visit:
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Erin Simmons Returns
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
This week on the Momma Stories Podcast Erin returns to talk with Sarah about her VBAC birth experience. Back on episode 14 Erin talks about her experience with birth and how she wished she was more educated and that she would have advocated for herself. Erin’s VBAC story is exactly that! She made sure she was educated and that she stood her ground when people tried to instill fear and convince her not to go through with her plan.
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories and share your story on our Website
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need