
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
EXPERTS ON MOMMAS - Ahuva Magder Hershkop
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast Ahuva is back!
Ahuva shares 5 tips to reduce meal time stress! I know that I benefited from these tips and you will too!
You can access all ten tips here - https://cdsamh.lpages.co/ahuva-lm-route-to-video-pitch-10-strategies-for-feeding-your-child/
For more information on Ahuva and how she can help you please visit, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1683736265060869/
Please enjoy this weeks episode with Ahuva.
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Ahuva Magder Hershkop
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast you will meet Ahuva.
Ahuva is a mom of 3 year old twins and a registered dietitian. She shares about her experiences with toddlers and what it is like to be a mom of twins. Ahuva also talks about her work as a dietician and what it is like running her own business. Watch for a second episode next week, when Ahuva returns to give tips for reducing meal time stress.
Please enjoy this weeks episode with Ahuva.
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday May 19, 2020
EXPERTS ON MOMMAS - The Cuntsultant
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast you will meet Vienna.
Vienna is known as the Cuntsultant. She is a holistic reproductive health practitioner and fertility awareness educator. During this episode we discuss all things vagina and it is fascinating. Whether you are trying to conceive or trying to prevent pregnancy, this informational episode will give you alternative options to look into. As a woman I am shocked that at 30 years old I am just now learning how I can get to know my body better. Your body is talking to you, you just have to take the time to listen. Talking with Vienna gave me empowerment to start really listening to my body and responding.
Towards the end of the episode Vienna talks about menstrual cycles post baby. It’s great information about what your period should look like and some changes after pregnancy.
For more information about Vienna please visit thecuntsultant.com
Please enjoy todays episode with your Cuntsultant!
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need.

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast you will meet Cynthia.
Cynthia is an author and parenting expert who has been helping parents for over 25 years. During this episode Cynthia and I dive into all of the ways a parenting expert can help you. Cynthia takes us through a role play and shares how she would help coach the conversation to achieve better outcomes. The role play we go through focuses on talking with your kids about the current challenges of schools being closed, the fears in the world and sheltering in place.
Please enjoy this weeks episode with Cynthia.
For more information on Cynthia please visit her website - https://bridges2understanding.com/
Ally Parenting Book - https://www.amazon.com/Ally-Parenting-Non-Adversarial-Transform-Cooperation-ebook/dp/B06ZYM11WS/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=ally+parenting&qid=1589513210&sr=8-1
If you would like the free 45 minute consultation please click here - https://calendly.com/claritysessionwithcynthia
Copy of the role play used in the episode. Emotional Support for Kids During the Pandemic and Beyond - https://bridges2understanding.com/emotional-support-for-kids-during-the-pandemic-and-beyond/
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need.

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Noelle Boyer
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
This week on @themommastories Podcast you will meet Noelle.
Noelle and I connected over instagram. I found a post she wrote about how she was handling the toddler season and I knew I had to get her on the show. Once we sat down (over the phone) and started to discuss motherhood, I knew we could be friends!
Noelle shares about the challenges of motherhood, being a military spouse and how she uses her blog to help herself and share tips.
You can find Noelles blog here - https://noelleboyer.com/
Please enjoy this weeks episode with Noelle.
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Sunday May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day Mommas! Please enjoy this short and sweet episode that a few of my friends and I put together.
Thank you, @_shannonleach_ @mymotherhoodmagic @seattle.katie @esimmons21
You made this episode SO much sweeter!
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
EXPERTS ON MOMMAS - Dr. Jennifer Lincoln
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast, expert edition, you will meet Dr. Jennifer Lincoln.
Dr. Lincoln returns for an episode of EXPERTS ON MOMMAS. She takes off her mom hat and talks to us about the joys of the teenage years. Everything from lack of sex education, to vaccines, and how we as parents can start healthy conversations from the very early years of our children's lives.
For more information about Dr. Lincoln you can follow her on instagram @drjenniferlincoln or go to https://www.drjenniferlincoln.com/
Please enjoy this weeks episode with Dr. Lincoln.
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Jennifer Lincoln
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
This week on @themommastories podcast you will meet Jennifer.
Jennifer takes us from the beginning of her journey as a medical student where she was dreaming of a career focused life to today as a mom of two boys. After meeting the love of her life she finds herself going from full-time career to working part-time and raising two wonderful boys. In this episode Jennifer shares the struggles with having both her and her husband in the medical field, becoming a mom and a doctor at the same time and learning to balance work with life in a way that works for her family.
Please enjoy this weeks episode with Jennifer.
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Christine Michel Carter
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Are you even ready for this weeks episode?! This week on @themommastories podcast you will meet Christine.
Christine is a mom of two and author, on a mission to help change the views of a working mom. Her journey has led her to write a children’s book about working moms called "Can Mommy Go To Work?" and a book called "Mom AF"about her life as a single mom entrepreneur. During this episode we talk about stay at home moms and working moms, the house works gap that need to be addressed and about how you can do it all but you might still want to cry sometimes. There is a reason why Christine is called “the #1 global voice of working moms”.
Please enjoy this weeks episode.
To find out more about Christine please visit - https://christinemichelcarter.com/
Mom AF - https://christinemichelcarter.com/mom-af/
Can Mommy Go To Work? - https://christinemichelcarter.com/%e2%9c%8d-can-mommy-go-to-work%e2%9c%8d/
Mompreneur and Me: https://mompreneurandme.com/
Any questions or feedback, please email info@mommastories.com or visit www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about a non-profit helping moms in need

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Erin Wakeman
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
This weeks episode of @themommastories podcast you will meet Erin.
Erin and I go WAAYY back to before kids. I am so glad that we were able to reconnect and catch up on where she is today.
Erin is a mom of three, a wife and a serious entrepreneur. Erin is a videographer that is on a mission to share her love of video. Whether it be in a session you hire her for, in her community groups, or your own personal family videos, erin does it all. During this episode Erin peels back some of the natural filters of an Instagram feed. She shares about times she has failed and succeeded. We go deep into why starting a business, having a side hustle, or a passion project is so important for moms. She shares her experience in how those things can actually make you a better momma for those babies. Erin also gives some tips on how to avoid burnout that can come from balancing everything on your plate.
To find out more information about Erin visit erinwakemanfilms.com or find her on instagram @erinwakeman.
Please enjoy this episode with Erin.
Any questions or feedback, please email us at info@mommastories.com or visit us at www.mommastories.com
Please be sure you are following us @themommastories
Also please visit www.mommafund.org to learn about our non-profit helping moms in need